Ultimate Guide to Make Short-Form Videos Stand Out!

Learn how to make your short videos stand out! Our Ultimate Guide has easy tips to help your content shine and grab attention.

Ultimate Guide to Make Short-Form Videos Stand Out!

Currently, people really like short-form videos. This is clear from the big success of apps like TikTok and how websites like YouTube are changing to focus more on short videos, like with YouTube Shorts. This shift in trends might impact how you do video marketing for your business. In this post, we'll talk about why short videos are important, look at popular types of short videos, and discuss the benefits of using short videos for marketing your business, with insights from the experts at LeoModo. Let's get started!

What is Short Form Video Content?

What is short-form video content? Basically, a short-form video is any video that's less than 60 seconds long. While some marketers think short videos can be up to three minutes, our team believes the best length is between 30 and 60 seconds. The exact time can vary depending on the platform you're using to share it.

When it comes to the words you say, short-form content should be quick, clear, and to the point. It's meant to be really easy to understand in just a few minutes (or even seconds). Usually, a written piece is seen as short content if it's at least 1,200 words. But for videos, you probably won't use text that long in your storyline.

Why is Short-Form Video so Important?

Short-form videos give you the info you need without making you sit and focus for a long time, unlike those ten-minute or even longer videos. With short videos, you can learn and have fun in a much shorter time compared to watching lengthy videos doing the same thing.

Short-form content is great when you want to share your thoughts, tell important news, or give a quick and valuable piece of information. There's a right and a wrong way to make short content, and there are good and bad times to share it.

For your business, you can use short videos in many ways. You could show one feature of your product, introduce a team member, guide users on signing up for your platform, give a quick product demo, or share behind-the-scenes info about your business. There are so many possibilities!

Top 3 Short-Form Video Platforms

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TikTok started in 2016 and was the first big short-form video platform we'll talk about. TikTok is all about short videos, but they recently added a BeReal competition feature with TikTok Now.

On the main screen, you can switch between the "For You" page (where the app suggests videos based on your interests) and the "Following" option (where you see videos only from people you follow).

TikTok also has a cool Discover section (you find it by tapping the magnifying glass in the top right corner) that many people use like a search engine to find content and learn how to do things.

Instagram Reels

Instagram started in 2010 as a photo-sharing app and has been getting bigger and changing ever since. Now, it's owned by Meta, which is Facebook's parent company. In 2019, Instagram introduced its own short videos called Instagram Reels.

To watch Reels, just tap the center icon on your home screen. But Instagram's algorithm really likes Reels, so when you scroll through your feed, you'll probably see a lot of Reels. If you want to watch one, just tap on it, then scroll down to see more, similar to how you do it on TikTok.

YouTube Shorts

YouTube launched way back in 2005 and has steadily held its own as the leading video platform. So it only makes sense that they, too, would want to forge a path in the short-form video world.

Recommended Shorts can be discovered right on the YouTube home screen, or you can click the Shorts icon in the bottom menu to watch shorts, scrolling up after each video to view something new.

Short-Form Video Content Best Practices

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Keep an Eye on What's Trending!

To make content that fits well on short-form video platforms, take some time to watch what others are posting. It's a fun part, but be sure to use your time wisely.

Notice if there are certain sound bites or songs that people are using a lot. That's probably part of a trend. Many creators and brands join these trends because it can boost the chances of more people seeing your video. Also, if someone recognizes a trend in your video, they're more likely to watch the whole thing.

Just be sure to use trending sounds that actually make sense for your brand. There are many ways to do this, so spend some time checking out TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts to find trends that fit your brand.

Start With a Hook

On these short-form video platforms, people scroll up to move from one video to the next fast. This makes it really simple for viewers to skip your video if it doesn't catch their interest right away. To deal with this, begin with a hook.

You can achieve this by starting your video with something that catches the eye, or you can ensure your sound is attention-grabbing.

Repurpose Long-Form Videos

If you've made a lot of long videos before, use them! You can simply cut the footage to fit a vertical screen and select clips from your longer videos using a video editing tool. This is a good way to begin sharing short videos while you're still figuring out your plan and coming up with ideas.

Promote Across Platforms

We've said it before, but it's important: you don't have to make different plans for TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Even though you might decide to post specific videos on just one of those platforms, you can easily share your short videos on all three, as well as on your Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories, or even your Twitter account.

Showcase User Generated Content

Simply ask for testimonials, and recommendations, or enable comments to gather user-generated content (UGC). This will involve more people from your community in content discussions, boosting awareness.

Elevate Your Short-Form Video with LeoModo!

Transform your short videos into eye-catching content with the LeoModo Video Editing Team! Our skilled editors are ready to enhance your videos, adding creative touches to make them stand out. From trimming to adding cool effects, LeoModo ensures your short-form videos leave a lasting impression. Elevate your content with our expert touch—edit with LeoModo Video Editing Team for a professional and engaging result!

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